Calves Desperate for Mother's Milk

This is not cute and no, they are not kissing. This is the devastatingly desperate sight of two children that have been separated from their mothers before given the change to naturally feed on her breast. 

They Still Reach Out For Love

We've seen videos of how affectionate cows can be when given sanctuary; Now see how even though these mothers have been used and abused their entire lives, they still reach out for love, enjoy having their neck scratched and rubbing their big heads up against you. The major difference between this mother and the cows we've seen in these other videos is that she has yet to be saved. She is still there, in that same place, day in and day out, until her final one finally arrives. Much much sooner than those who we give the opportunity to enjoy their natural life-span in peace.

Suckling for Mum

A baby calf- separated from her mother moments after birth- suckles on my fingers wishing they were her mothers udders. They crave the mothers milk they are denied; at the cost of human consumption.

Not Natural

Their mothers are kept in the next room. The babies are isolated in pens behind a heavy door. They call out for one another but will never touch again. The mothers are milked for human consumption and the babies fed only what they are allowed out of a bucket.