The first time she left love. A young chicken bound for slaughter starts to shake the first time she is gently pet. She leaned her head in closer- enjoying her first touch of kindness.
The innocent should never feel fear
Can you imagine the same look of fear on your face arriving at a slaughterhouse?
Sadly, transport was nothing compared to what they went through once disappearing inside.
They Have No Other Choice
Chickens with no other choice but to patiently await death.
Crammed uncomfortably in the back of a truck suffering summer heat temperatures of 25 degrees.
How would you feel knowing you had no way to get out?
Life drains from chicken outside slaughterhouse
Life drains from a chicken who deserved to live.
"This was incredibly hard to watch. I saw the life drain from someone who deserved better but never knew that something better even existed. Man is cruel for the most part."
Chicken petrified among 10,000 birds crammed in truck
She was only 5-6 weeks old. A chicken’s normal lifespan is 10–15 years.
Jammed inside these crates, overcrowded among other suffering birds, she and the others traveled to the slaughterhouse without food or water.
She was terrified. Expressing in variation emotions of feat. She didn't deserve to die.
However, last night she was hung upside down and her throat was slit. Her body was mutilated to be packaged and sold in our stores as "food".