They have that look in their eyes.
It's as if they know they are about to die. How would you feel being trapped inside?
They have that look in their eyes.
It's as if they know they are about to die. How would you feel being trapped inside?
What happens if they fall?
There is no room to get up. Cows are forced to lay in manure under bodies of other cows if and when they fall on route to slaughter.
Could you imagine being trapped in there with no way out?
Standing only outside the transport truck, the stench was unbearable. Cows peering out at me with manure splashed all over their beautiful faces.
Calves witnessed entering Toronto slaughterhouse are still weaning for their mothers milk moments before slaughter
Veal is the meat of calves, in contrast to the "beef" from older cows. Veal can be produced from a calf of either gender and any breed; however, most veal comes from young males of dairy breeds because these are surplus to the industry's requirements.
There are different types of veal which require the calves to be slaughtered at differences ages. The most popular is Bob Veal which requires calves to be slaughtered when they are only a few weeks old weighting up to only 60 pounds. Another is "formula fed" veal which involves the calves being raised on a milk formula supplement until they are slaughtered when they reach 18 to 20 weeks old.
Virtually all dairy calves are stolen from their mothers within hours of birth in order to maximize profit. 21,000,000 dairy calves are slaughtered for veal or cheap beef every year globally.
Who knows how long he was laying in there.
Cow bound for slaughter had fallen on route and was unable to get up.
Beyond heartbreaking. I would have done anything to get her out of there.
I have to apologize for each moment I'm there standing witness to what is happening to them.
Helpless to stop this all on my own; the hardest part is not being able to save them.
Immediately upon approaching the truck I noticed this cow leaning with her face against the metal grate.
I reached my arm inside the truck to scratch her chest and neck.
Crying "I'm so sorry", pleading "I wish I could help you!"
Cows have best friends and become stressed if they are separated.
Happening in this video a cow tries desperately to communicate with and reach two cows in the neighbouring section.
Cows can remember the faces of 100 others cows.
Cows, like humans, are very social animals and will form herds in which they bond which some members and avoid others.
Cows are extremely emotional, complex, social and intelligent animals. They experience fear, pain and suffering just as we do.
Two cow friends, together in the end. Moments away from slaughter, these innocent and terrified animals comfort one another for dear life. Resting their heads on the body of another, these two magnificent cows have nothing to do but wait. Stare out the window and wonder where they are.
I'll never forget that moment I realized this poor cow had fallen down.
Peering into the truck; there was blood everywhere. The other cows were trying not to trample her.
Who knows how long he/she had been laying there. Blood splattered about the scene suggests evidence of a broken leg.